Eternity News: Four Ways To Love Your Single Friends Better

Eternity News: Four Ways To Love Your Single Friends Better

I’ve had some amazing opportunities to share my book in a variety of interviews. So far, without fail, I am always asked what Churches and married people can do in order to support the single people in their world. It’s a valid question and I can understand why they’re asking it…

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Sick of reading about it?

 Sick of reading about it?

A comment popped up on my Facebook from a friend asking me to give her a reason to read yet another book on singleness. This caught my attention. I hadn’t considered that I would need to prove that my book was helpful to fellow singles. But I liked how this challenged me to think about those who may feel a little fatigued by what books are currently in the market for Christian singles. I don’t want this book to just be another “Sunday school” answer. As a single person, I know how annoying it is when all you’re met with is “just trust Jesus” in response to your laments about being single. It’s not that this, and other answers like it, are wrong. It’s that in your moment of deep loneliness or rejection, it can feel like only words.

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I Went Grocery Shopping Today...

I Went Grocery Shopping Today...

The most surprising thing I bought was a jar of peanut butter and a jar of honey because I thought I could have peanut butter and honey sandwiches. I haven’t eaten one of those since I was a kid but with all the chaos swirling around me, I found myself seeking out and reaching for anything that felt familiar. That felt safe. To that felt normal.

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Is Loneliness A Sin?

Is Loneliness A Sin?

“If the Garden of Eden is a representation of heaven-“

“Is it?” The Senior Pastor asked.

“Isn’t it?” I replied.

“Is the Garden of Eden a real thing?”

“Good question, but maybe a discussion for another time and potentially the ultimate answer to the question I’m about to ask, but let’s say Eden is real. My question is, if Eden was real and is a representation of Heaven, being in ehad - oneness with God - then will loneliness exist in heaven because it existed in Eden?”

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